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nicolas flamand essaouira



Graduated from the public works engineering school ESTP in Paris, Nicolas has achieved  several real estate calibre projects in France, with VINCI group. 

Nicolas made good use of his passion for architecture and design to refurbish parisian appartments and carried out all layouts. 

In love with Morocco since his participation to the 4L Trophy race in 2005, Nicolas launched 15 years later with his wife Jessica the construction of a contemporary house inspired from the beldi codes in the countryside of Essaouira. 

Jessica Flamand essaouira



Graduated from the parisian business school ESCP Europe, Jessica has 15 years of experience in international business development.

Jessica launched her first company at 24 year old in China, sold 7 years later. After few years as international business development director at Petit Bateau brand, Jessica gives a fresh momentum to her career and draws her inpsiration from her trips accross the globe to create unique places.

Jessica's family are formers french of Morocco, the country is a family story ! 

Equipe: L'équipe
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